Industrial Filters Manufacturer

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and exporter of industrial filters

Industrial & Manufacturing News

Filter Media Types – Absorbent, Adsorbent and Biological

Posted on : 14 May, 2018   |   Category : industrial
Introduction: A filter medium is any object that, when operating, allows certain components to permeate and disallows some components to permeate. The materials that are impermeable could be solids, liquids, or even molecular or ionic. Generally, the permeable component is a flowing liquid, but it is not limited to that…
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The Global Outreach of Filter Media

Posted on : 26 Apr, 2018   |   Category : industrial
Just as the name suggests, Filter Media is a medium used for the process of filtering. A filter medium is any object that, when operating, allows certain components to permeate and disallows some components to permeate. The materials that are impermeable could be solids, liquids, or even molecular or ionic.…
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Dust Collection System: Take A Sneak Peak Into It

Posted on : 05 Mar, 2018   |   Category : industrial
Synopsis: Pollutants present in the air are among substances that cause ill-effects on living beings. These pollutants are either man-made or natural by origin. This write-up emphasizes on the man-made pollutants that are produced from various industries. To cater the day-to-day needs of increasing population, industrialization is growing by leaps…
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Can Nominal rating be enough to go for the right filter element choice?

Posted on : 05 Jan, 2018   |   Category : industrial
Hydraulic system works essentially on Hydraulic fluid. It is therefore necessary that the hydraulic liquid provided be of the quality that can sustain for years together. How do you get a sustainable hydraulic fluid? The foremost plan of action is the filtration technique.  A high quality filtration process benefits the…
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Bubble Point Test

Posted on : 06 Dec, 2017   |   Category : industrial
One of the best ways to test the non-destructive integrity test is the bubble point test. Under this process, the fluid is held in the pores of the filter by capillary forces and surface tension. The Nature of Bubble Point Test Practically all that is done is the most significant…
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