Industrial Filters Manufacturer

Filter Concept is
one of the leading manufacturer
and exporter of industrial filters

Industrial & Manufacturing News

Self-cleaning Filters – Screen filters with automatic self-cleaning methods

Posted on : 02 Jul, 2019   |   Category : industrial Filters
Self-cleaning filters which are available in the market presently are modern inventions that save energy, water, and money which goes into the production and also let these valuable resources be used in an efficient manner. The filters with backwash system and automatic self-cleaning technology provide an upper hand over the…
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Industrial pollution is a horror for Environment Day!

Posted on : 05 Jun, 2019   |   Category : industrial Filters
World Environment Day, a day when we have to be together and take an oath to save the world and make an effort to do our bit for saving the Mother Earth. The environment has become a cycle of dependency and a system with equal control deployment which we as…
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The Ideal Filter: Choose Wisely!

Posted on : 20 May, 2019   |   Category : industrial Filters
Taking the right Filter selection decision requires knowledge and research of the requirements about the process filtration. The filter selection process is, in fact, a detailed one with the dynamic scope and few points are to be secured before buying it all the way! The steps to keep in mind,…
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Posted on : 29 Apr, 2019   |   Category : industrial Filters
The market worth for sterile compressed air and gases has increased by manifolds in the present times. Henceforth selecting a perfect sterilization filter for a compressed air or gas system can be a burdensome task for some. The crucial production of biotechnology products such as proteins, vaccines, antibodies, hormones, vitamins,…
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All That You Needed To Know About Fume and Vapor Emissions

Posted on : 04 Feb, 2019   |   Category : industrial Filters
Welcome to the world of fume and vapor emissions. Today we shall talk about filtration of air at the entry to a workspace or a living zone. It is important to know more about Fume and vapor emissions as we live in an environment that is filled with dust, vapor,…
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